
This is how to keep up in touch with me when I'm on my travels. Hope you like it - please give me feedback as to what you might like to see on it - or not!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Backdate to Queribus

I've just been sorting out photos and realise I haven't shared a lovely experience from France.

When we were visiting the Cathar castle of Queribus, I started singing "Belle qui tiens ma vie captive dans tes yeux", a beautiful medieval song, and one of the few French songs I know, because I couldn't resist the wonderful acoustics. As I was climbing the spiral stairs, and paused in the song, I heard a voice continue with the next line. We did this all the way up the stairs until my fellow singer emerged.  I only knew the first verse so she sang me two more. I'm so glad that Tony took this photo of us, as my camera was the last thing I was thinking of at the time, and I'm so pleased to have a record of the occasion.

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