
This is how to keep up in touch with me when I'm on my travels. Hope you like it - please give me feedback as to what you might like to see on it - or not!

Practical Action in Nepal

Practical Action is my favourite charity because of their fundamental principle "Small is beautiful".

About Practical Action

In practical terms this means that they work locally using technology which is sustainable in the local environment by the local population, so that they are sustainable with little or no outside help after set-up and training. I particularly like the ropeway schemes which have shortened journey times, and made them less dangerous. Getting perishable goods to market quickly is a huge advantage, and so is avoiding treacherous pathways over very steep and unstable ground.
The ropeways link mountainous regions by cables which carry twin trolleys in opposite directions, carrying materials/produce. Children are often used to transport the goods to market so the ropeways free many of them to attend school.

Many are gravity powered. Others are powered by a micro-hydro system which produces enough power to drive the ropeway by day and supply electricity to the village by night.

To quote their web page:

"Practical Action has a unique approach to development – we don't start with technology, but with people. The tools may be simple or sophisticated – but to provide long-term, appropriate and practical answers, they must be firmly in the hands of local people: people who shape technology and control it for themselves."

I am also raising funds for this work so if any of you would prefer to support Practical Action, that is very simply done through their web site.
