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Wednesday 26 October 2011

Carpet saga update

Back home nearly three weeks and I realise, belatedly, that I didn't finish this story.
Well, the fitters' shop is closed on Mondays so we only have the (innocent) carpet suppliers to rant at. Anyway, I tell them that we are definitely finished with the fitters and want them to suggest an alternative. This they do and we have a friendly call to the new guy who promises to come out and see the job. He comes when he says!!! He's friendly, realistic ("can't fit it in before you go, or I would be letting other people down"), likes email :).  We trust him. He'll email us a quote.
The pent-up anger has to wait till the shop opens on the Tuesday, but only Madame is there, very apologetic as usual, but our cheque is in the van with the boss. She assures us that, though unreliable, he is not a crook.  So next day we retrieve the cheque, and the day after take a wee chocolate gift to Madame for being so helpful and as commiseration for her redundancy - the firm is closing at the end of the month.
End of part one of the saga.
We've received the quote and hope to arrange fitting for May, a mere 18 months after the stairs were ready.

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